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SHE Performance Indicators

Guidance - what you need to know

All operations must continue to complete the Capture / MyHR database in a timely manner. Entries must be accurate, factual with full details completed in order to ensure the correct level of analysis to be undertaken.

The Sickness Absence Ratio (SAR) will be reported on SHE Dashboards from quarter 2.

In order to achieve and support this, each contract must continually review how they can reduce carbon emissions and formalise this by completing the Resource Efficiency Matrix
(REM, as previously detailed) and associated Resource Efficiency Management Plans. The non-operational carbon footprint includes emissions from offices (electricity and gas), and business travel. Every Costain employee can contribute to this target by reducing their business mileage by car sharing or using other communication methods such as conference calling or Skype. The two main offices at Maidenhead and Manchester have undergone external energy audits resulting in investment and improvements. Behavioural aspects will also be addressed via the REM during the year to promote energy saving and this should be mirrored at a contract level.

One of the key enablers to our WiiSE Strategy is SHE behavioural engagement. This is a measure of how engaged staff and workers are in our ambition to achieve a sustained step-change in performance.

The Group will continue to publish two monthly engagement ratios taken from Capture submissions.

It is expected that all of the locations in scope attain a minimum CBS engagement score of ‘green’. This ‘CBS score’ is an indicator of whether a project is using the data it collects, through the reporting of High Potential Events, Close Calls, Hazards and Safety Observations to mitigate and reduce the level of its accidents & incidents. The score is calculated by using 3 months rolling data on both CBS and engagement ratios which are then converted to an equivalent score and added together to provide a final score and colour-coded performance indicator.

As part of our continued focus to drive environmental engagement on our Contracts and in our relevant offices, An Environment Engagement Ratio is calculated. All locations in scope must attain a minimum engagement ratio score of ‘green’ (i.e. 10 and over). The Environment Engagement Ratio is calculated via the number of Environment related hazards, observations and close calls recorded in Capture x 100,000 hours divided by the number of hours worked on a 3-month rolling basis. Contracts included on the ratio (i.e. ‘in scope’) are those completing over 2500 hours per month and undertaking relevant on-site work activities.