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SHE Performance Indicators

Ongoing monitoring of our performance against our WiiSE Strategy:

What... are we going to do in 2021?

  • Although our dashboards are fundamental to provide forward looking insights into our performance (using leading indicators), we still need to monitor lagging measures, namely our SHE accident and incident rates and progress towards a reduced carbon footprint.

What... outcomes will we measure in 2021?

  • The Group will use the following targeted indicators to measure our SHE performance across all operations and functions:
    • A Lost Time Injury Rate of 0.15 with the aim of achieving a Reportable Injury Rate (shown as the ‘Accident Frequency Rate’) of 0.04 or below. The AFR is calculated by dividing the number of reportable injuries to the Health and Safety Executive by the number of hours worked, multiplied by 100,000 (the average number of hours worked in a typical lifetime)
    • An Environmental Frequency Rate (EIFR) of 0.11 or below. This is the total number of environmental incidents (weighted to allow for minor and major incidents) divided by the number of hours worked multiplied by 100,000