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Learning and knowledge

Improve how we learn from events incorporating:

What... are we going to do in 2021 and what are the benefits?

Make a step change in how we learn from events and embed that learning to build on our world class performance

  • Implement the Costain Learning Organisation Model across the business

What... outcomes will we measure in 2021?

The Costain Learning Organisation Model being used as the framework to assess performance and drive continuous improvement across the business

Specific targets

1. Roll out an e-learning / education package in Qtr 1 to appropriate staff on the use and benefits of the model

2. Complete a gap analysis of our current organisational learning processes against our new model to identify learning opportunities for our contracts by the end of Qtr 3.

What... benefit does this bring to our stakeholders?

Our activities are planned and managed as a mindful organisation in support of our WiiSE Strategy and in particular, eliminating harm in all we do. Thought leadership and a true understanding of our impacts through embedded learning places us in a strong position within industry. We have taken time to develop a tailored learning model and approach that is integral to our SHE management and assurance system. This will be transferable across the business ensuring that we have the opportunity to benefit from all learning opportunities along with our stakeholders, improving both customer experience and outputs.