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Continue to develop our leaders including:

What... are we going to do in 2021 and what are the benefits?

  • Continue implementation of the Costain Climate Change Action Plan which sets out our ambition to become a net zero carbon business by 2035 at the latest.
  • Ensure that our workforce wellbeing enables us all to be at our best.

What... outcomes will we measure in 2021?

  • Enhanced Resource Efficiency Matrix roll-out for all relevant contracts
  • A refreshed Health Maturity Matrix having re-established a baseline for those exceeding previous gold standards (to include MH@W Commitment)

Specific targets

3. All relevant contracts (and if appropriate, offices) to attain REM 2021 standard by the end of the year.

4. New HMM developed by the end of Qtr 2, with pilots completed by the end of 2021 for roll out in 2022. Recognition award for those who have demonstrated ongoing sustainable improvements through the year.

What... benefit does this bring to our stakeholders?

Our industry leadership in the reduction of carbon impact is integral to all our services from design through to the end customer. Many carbon and monetary saving opportunities have been realised and passed throughout our value chain in 2020 and this will continue in 2021. Reducing our own footprint to zero by 2035 and supporting our clients in reducing theirs will make a significant contribution to meeting the UK government's 2050 targets and leave a positive legacy. The lessons learned from across the organisation to date has set new standards for our 'business as usual' approach. Building on these at every opportunity offers unique and innovative opportunities for us to help our clients to do the same.

When our people are at their best, they are happy in themselves and their work , and productivity is enhanced. Our leading-edge thinking, our quality driven design solutions and outputs and our legacy will be positively affected to the benefit of our stakeholders. Using our proven matrix approach to driving wellbeing-centric behaviours in all we do keeps us focused on our wellbeing as a team and wider community.