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Sustainable designs that incorporate BeWell, BeSafe and BeGreen:

What... are we going to do in 2021 and what are the benefits?

Sustainable designs incorporating the principles of BeWell, BeSafe and BeGreen:

  • Continuing to embed the principles of Eliminating harm throughout our design community and influence
  • Protecting biodiversity and developing nature-based solutions to climate change

What... outcomes will we measure in 2021?

  • Roll-out of WiiSE By Design training with selected members of the supply chain.
  • Designs to have an appropriate Eliminating Harm and Carbon Reduction Review in place with a Deep Dive in Qtr. 3 on WiiSE by Design to support our step change in eliminating harm through design and procurement.
  • All new, relevant projects will measure Natural Capital impact in addition to biodiversity impact using the Costain GIS digital tool or equivalent. Working with our clients we will gain a better understanding of the value of the natural environment and work towards achieving net-gain.

Specific targets

15. Number and discipline of designers attended (no target).
16. Deep Dive [and system review] completed in Qtr. 3 (cross discipline review, supported by SHE Team across Sectors).
17. 100% of new relevant contracts are measuring natural capital and biodiversity impact to target net gain, by the end of Qtr. 4.

What... benefit does this bring to our stakeholders?

Acting as an industry leader, Costain can enhance knowledge of those best placed to eliminate harm – designers. As a learning organisation and through the sharing of examples from across our SHE and Process Safety arena, all those stakeholders involved with, and influenced by our own work, can apply the same critical thinking to their own activities.

Ensuring that we fully understand our potential impact on natural capital offers the opportunity to plan and evaluate how to reduce these impacts, compensate for them and ultimately target a net-gain scenario while promoting thriving biodiversity. Using GIS techniques to measure, evaluate and record these efforts, we will ensure a positive legacy from our work.