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Make sure that the right information gets to the right people at the right time:

What... are we going to do in 2021 and what are the benefits?

Get the right information to the right people at the right time:

  • All Costain staff to understand Climate Change and Carbon Management and their role in delivering the Carbon Targets
  • Senior leaders to understand the principles of sound SHE Leadership and organisational mindfulness

What... outcomes will we measure in 2021?

  • Leading Carbon in Costain (LCiC) training to be delivered to 150 additional senior leaders.
  • “What the carbon targets mean for me” e-Learning package: Module 2 for those who have completed Module 1 in 2020 (both modules for anyone who did not complete in 2020).
  • Leading SHE in Costain (LSiC) Refresher to be delivered for those who undertook the original course 3 years ago.

Specific targets

9. Number of leaders attending LCiC courses during 2021.

10. Number of Module 2 attendees against a target of 600, number of Module 1 and 2 attendees against a target of 1000.

11. LSiC Refresher course developed in the first half of the year with 50 attendees targeted by the end of 2021.

What... benefit does this bring to our stakeholders?

For over a decade, Costain has been measuring and disclosing its carbon footprint. We have also taken an industry-leading approach to reducing both our footprint and that of wider industry by tackling the operations of our client's assets. Through our core purpose of improving people's lives by providing cleaner and improved energy, water and transportation infrastructure, we have for several years played an active part in contributing to a number of the United Nations Development goals (SDGs). Our WiiSE 2021 strategy accelerates our progress towards becoming a net zero carbon organisation by 2035 at the latest, and a provider of carbon zero solutions to clients as standard by 2023. This will be further enhanced by providing our colleagues and our design stakeholders the most up to date knowledge and insight into our climate change aspirations.

In addition, we will support our senior leaders in their appreciation of the wider SHE agenda including the importance of eliminating harm, the principles of being a mindful organisation, and the use of behaviours to drive decision-making, helping us remain at the leading edge of client expectation and provision.