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Ensure positive behaviours are embedded in all we do:

What... are we going to do in 2021 and what are the benefits?

Positive behaviours embedded in all we do:

  • Continue to support managers to effectively manage wellbeing, sickness absence, presenteeism and connectivity during COVID 19.
  • Ensure behavioural lessons are learned and implemented through support and coaching

What... outcomes will we measure in 2021?

  • Line managers to have a return to work conversation with their staff for every sickness absence. High level absence data to be used to drive campaigns and initiatives
  • Carry out a review of the implementation and effectiveness of Personal Energy Management and COVID Thrive Plans.
  • Support widened use of CBM principles across further disciplines / departments to assist them in being Leading Edge
  • Apply Behavioural coaching to the delivery of the CTRM process and increase workforce engagement

Specific targets

5. Return to Work Conversations versus absences - target: a gap of 20% by the end of 2021.

6. Through 2021, the SHE Assurance Review (successor to the Scored Inspection) process will undertake a quarterly review of all identified contract/team / BU arrangements to ensure personal energy management plans are in place and being followed.

7. Identify 3 key disciplines by the end of Qtr 1 and deliver CBM training to selected representatives by the end of Qtr 4.

8. Every contract to have a BMT coaching plan in place by the end of Qtr 2 to drive improvements through the second half of the year. The plan will include:

  1. Focus on those conducting CTRM's to enhance their effectiveness and 
  2. Front line Managers engagement with the workforce

What... benefit does this bring to our stakeholders?

Understanding our colleagues' physical and mental fitness helps us focus and support them in being at their best. The essential insight gained through line manager and employee interactions - especially in times of sickness and other absences - is important to help us understand and address the root causes behind such absence. Our awareness and approach to personal energy in the planning and management of activities means that our colleagues can recharge physically and mentally to the benefit of our overall wellbeing and capabilities as a team.

Using our highly successful Behavioural Management Programme accredited to Platinum standard by the Cambridge Centre for Behavioural Studies, we continue to build on our consistent SHE performance improvement seen over the past 15 years, supported by leading indicators driving learning. Our supply chain are key stakeholders in our work and benefit from their improvement in this proven approach  to sound behavioural management. Extending these principles cross-discipline with clear focus placed with those who have the greatest impact, we will ensure cohesive alignment in the way we think, act and influence, with clients benefiting from the resulting standards in performance.